365 research outputs found

    Amine So9rat: A Moroccan rapper from the North-eastern region

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    International audienc


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    International audienceDans cet article, on présente une étude comparative de différentes variétés rurales de l'arabe maghrébin (parlers dits Jbala-villageois) comme but de dessiner leurs traits communs et de souligner tous les aspects qui semblent leur être particuliers. En outre, on montre la grande divergence qui sépare le groupe algéro-marocain du groupe tunisien, et ce dans l'objectif d'en reconsidérer le classement dans la catégorie des "parlers villageois". Finalement, on attire l'attention sur quelques parallélismes, peut-être fortuits, existant entre les parlers ruraux du Maghreb et ceux de la Palestine centrale, l'Oman et le Bahreïn

    Dialect Variation Across Generations in Berkane (North-Eastern Morocco): the Case of Interdental Fricatives: Variación dialectal intergeneracional en Berkane (Noreste de Marruecos): El caso de las fricativas interdentales

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    The aim of the present paper is to investigate intergenerational variation in the realization of interdental fricatives among speakers of Berkani Arabic, a variety spoken in north-eastern Morocco. Our survey is based on data gathered during fieldwork in the city of Berkane in December 2019. It is well known that, unlike mainstream Moroccan dia- lects, some varieties in the far north-east have retained old interdental fricatives to this day. Yet it seems that these phonemes are slowly fading or have already disappeared in some of the aforementioned vernaculars. This is the case, for instance, in the western division of the Huwwāṛa tribe and in the city of Oujda, respectively. As regards the city of Berkane, a preliminary analysis of our data indicates an almost complete loss of the voiceless inter- dental /ṯ/ and the voiced interdental /ḏ/. Conversely, instances displaying a voiced pharyn- gealized /ḏ/̣ are abundant in the speech of our informants, even if this sound is seemingly in free variation with its dental counterpart /ḍ/. Interestingly, this phonetic variation seems to be related to the age of the speaker. Thus, the number of occurrences of /ḏ/̣ is higher among middle-aged and older individuals. Such a finding could be indicative of the regres- sion of /ḏ/̣ in the speech of young Berkanis, which may be due to a process of convergence towards the mainstream varieties of Moroccan Arabic. The abandonment of other local features would seem to support this supposition.Este artículo tiene por objetivo investigar la variación intergeneracional que afecta a las fricativas interdentales en el dialecto árabe de Berkane (noreste de Marruecos). Nuestro estudio se basa en datos recopilados en Berkane durante una estancia realizada en diciembre de 2019. Es bien sabido que, a diferencia de los principales dialectos mar- roquíes, algunas variedades habladas en la región nororiental han preservado las fricativas interdentales hasta hoy día. No obstante, parece que los fonemas en cuestión se están per- diendo o han desaparecido ya en algunas de estas variedades vernáculas. Este es el caso del dialecto hablado por la fracción occidental de los Huwwāṛa o el de la ciudad de Oujda. En cuanto a Berkane, el análisis preliminar de nuestros datos apunta a la pérdida total de la interdental sorda /ṯ/ y de la interdental sonora /ḏ/. En cambio, los ejemplos de la faringali- zada sorda /ḏ/̣ son numerosos en el habla de nuestros informantes, alternando a veces con su correspondiente dental /ḍ/. La variación fonética en cuestión parece estar relacionada con la edad del hablante. Es así que /ḏ/̣ es más frecuente en hablantes de mediana edad y en los más mayores. Semejante hallazgo indicaría que la variante /ḏ/̣ se encuentra en re- gresión en el habla de los jóvenes berkaníes, lo cual se debería a un proceso de convergen- cia hacia las principales variedades de árabe marroquí. El abandono de otros rasgos del dialecto local vendría a confirmar esta conjetura

    Pre-andean tectonic events from albian to eocene in the middle Magdalena valley and situation of the western flank of the proto-eastern cordillera (Colombia)

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    For years in Colombia research has been mainly centered on the knowledge of the most recent uplifting of the Eastern Cordillera, and on the evaluation of the Tertiary units in many basins to understand the recent deformation. Recently, due to the necessities of the oil industry to evaluate new targets, new information has been acquired on Cretaceous units form the Eastern Cordillera and Middle Magdalena Valley. The aim of this work is to analyse the data which gives evidence of deformation in the basin of Middle Magdalena Valley during the Cretaceous. The Cretaceous units are exposed in the Eastern Cordillera, but not in the Middle Magdalena Valley, where only a few outcrops are known. Instead a lot of seismic information is available on this area and some wells that have drilled the Cretaceous units. Using large seismic reflection sections and well information, I could identify important events, unconformities, and faults which were inverted in different stages during the Lower Cretaceous to the Eocene, prior to the Andean Orogeny. For that, I will show some key seismic sections interpreted in the Middle Magdalena Valley (MMV). This interpretation will be validated with sections using surface field information and well information, and the structural styles will be discussed. My results highlight the new proposed interpretation for the cretaceous sequence, showing more details especially in the MMV, due to the seismic coverage and well information, and in the Western Eastern Cordillera (WEC) with more difficulty using some surface information that was collected during this work as well as preexisting information from available literature, how there were multiple phases of deformation that include different states of uprising or relative sea level change during the Cretaceous period, which is important to understand the real process that affected the Cretaceous behavior and also to suggest that tectonics and sea level changes or their interaction could be more complex during this time. Based on the construction and analysis of transgressive-regressive curves and Fischer relative accommodation space plots, I interpreted system tracts and sea-level variations and recognized major surface boundaries surface (unconformities or their correlative conformities) at the Barremian-Aptian, during the Late Albian-Early Cenomanianand and Early Campanian times. Aditionally, based on tracts interpreted and surface boundaries, I built regional paleo-facies maps from Berriasian to Coniacian-Santonian, showing several periods of regression and transgression till early Campanian. From seismic interpretation made in this work, using seismic stratigraphy and wheeler diagrams, five sequences (S) and five unconformities (SU) were identified as sequence boundaries: recognized at the Jurassic-Cretaceous, Late Barremian-Early Aptian (~125 Ma), and at the Albian-Cenomanian (~100 Ma), Santonian-Campanian (~ 80 Ma), and Paleocene-Eocene boundaries, these unconformities or their correlative conformities (SU) have a regional extension. The thermochronological information collected, prepared, analyzed, interpreted and modeled in this work, helped me to recognized two events of heating and two events of cooling for samples deposited before 85 Ma. The heating events occurred from the sedimentation of the units till ~85– 80 Ma and from ~70 Ma to ~10 Ma and the cooling events occurred between ~80 Ma till ~70 Ma and from ~10-2 Ma. The paleo-geothermal gradient versus the present-day thermal gradient make it possible to identify the presence of unconformities. The integration of the structural reconstructions made in this work through the Cretaceous, considering the sequences (S) and the discordances (SU) and the transgressive-regressive sequences (paleo-facies maps), shows the relation between deformation, deposition and erosion and when each of these events happened during the Cretaceous in these basins (MMV and WEC). My tectonic and geodynamic reconstruction makes it possible to conclude that from the Jurassic to the Paleocene, repetitive tectonic extension and compression events produced by a cyclic subduction regime, explain the relative sea fluctuation and the deposition, exhumation and erosion phases observed in the MMV and WEC during the Cretaceous. Finally, the presence of accreted blocks (for ex. Quebradagrande) is undeniable. However, the deformation of the upper plate in my model is not dependent on these accreted terranes, but rather on the subduction regime, for example changes in the plate subduction angle (steep or flat subduction), the convergence rate, the polarity of subduction, the age of the slab, etc.Durante años en Colombia la investigación se ha centrado principalmente en el conocimiento de los más reciente levantamiento de la Cordillera Oriental, y en la evaluación de las unidades terciarias en Muchas cuencas para entender la reciente deformación. Recientemente, debido a las necesidades de la industria petrolera para evaluar nuevos objetivos, se ha adquirido nueva información sobre Las unidades cretácicas forman la Cordillera Oriental y el Valle del Magdalena Medio. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar los datos que evidencian la deformación en el Cuenca del Valle del Magdalena Medio durante el Cretácico. Las unidades cretácicas están expuestas en la Cordillera Oriental, pero no en el Medio. Valle de Magdalena, donde solo se conocen unos pocos afloramientos.Doctorad

    Edición y traducción de cinco cartas marroquíes en árabe medio (s. XVI) conservadas en el Archivo Nacional de la Torre do Tombo

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    This paper presents an edition and translation into Spanish of five letters preserved in the National Archive of Torre do Tombo (Portugal). These documents date back to the first half of the sixteenth century and belong to a collection of correspondence from the Portuguese possessions in North Africa. These letters are remarkable from a linguistic point of view because they are written in Middle Arabic, a variety of language that combines both dialectal and standard variants of Arabic, thus displaying considerable grammatical divergences in what concerns the norms of Classical Arabic.Este artículo contiene la edición y traducción al castellano de cinco cartas conservadas en el Archivo nacional de la Torre do Tombo (Portugal). Estos documentos datan de la primera mitad del siglo XVI y forman parte de la correspondencia procedente de las plazas portuguesas en el Norte de África. Desde un punto de vista lingüístico, las cartas se caracterizan por estar escritas en árabe medio, una variedad de lengua que presenta importantes divergencias gramaticales con respecto a la norma del árabe clásico y en la cual se combinan elementos dialectales y otros del árabe estándar


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    International audienceDans cet article, on présente une étude comparative de différentes variétés rurales de l'arabe maghrébin (parlers dits Jbala-villageois) comme but de dessiner leurs traits communs et de souligner tous les aspects qui semblent leur être particuliers. En outre, on montre la grande divergence qui sépare le groupe algéro-marocain du groupe tunisien, et ce dans l'objectif d'en reconsidérer le classement dans la catégorie des "parlers villageois". Finalement, on attire l'attention sur quelques parallélismes, peut-être fortuits, existant entre les parlers ruraux du Maghreb et ceux de la Palestine centrale, l'Oman et le Bahreïn

    Amin SO9RAT: a Moroccan Rapper from the North-Eastern Region

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    Rap has become among the most cultivated musical genres in the Arab world. This is particularly true for the post-Arab spring Maghreb. As their counterparts in other countries, Moroccan rappers usually boast of representing their towns and/or regions. Given that dialect is an important element of regional identity, many of these rappers strive to sing songs in their own local accent. As regards the so-called Eastern Region of Morocco (l-minṭaqa š-šarqĭyya), its most popular rapper is probably Amin So9rat, a committed youngster from the city of Berkane. The present paper aims at analyzing So9rat’s songs in order to provide some data on the main features of what the rapper himself calls l-lahža š-šarqĭyya ‘the Eastern Moroccan accent’ and, more specifically, on the spoken Arabic of Berkane. Furthermore, we will comment on the main topics dealt with in the lyrics

    Computer Science's Digest Volume 1

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    This series is dedicated to the students of the Systems Department, to give them reading material related to computer science in a second language. This book covers the Introduction to Computer Science, Computer Communications, Networking and Web Applications

    Una mirada a la suma de fracciones a partir de la interpretación de medida en contexto continuo y discreto

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    En la implementación de la presente propuesta, se inicia el trabajo con los estudiantes en torno al concepto de suma de fracciones a partir de la interpretación de medida, como aproximación inicial al concepto de número racional. Siendo necesario pensar en la manera de cómo abordar y dotar de significado el proceso, mediante situaciones que conduzcan a los estudiantes a utilizar, relacionar y aplicar los conceptos que se van desarrollando, desde la representación concreta, gráfica, simbólica y verbal. En las pruebas piloto se evidenció que en la escuela se presentan problemas relacionados con la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las fracciones, debido a que el trabajo, en donde se involucran, se reduce a la mecanización del algoritmo, sin detenerse a analizar el proceso que se genera, el cual se hace evidente en tareas que requieren de la representación gráfica, concreta o en situaciones cotidianas. Se hace necesario que los estudiantes le den significado y sentido a las fracciones, no desde el trabajo algorítmico, sino desde el trabajo gráfico y concreto, relacionándolas en contexto continuo y discreto; reconociendo la importancia de conservar la unidad como un aspecto primordial para comprender la relación entre una parte y un todo; continuando con el trabajo de equivalencias entre las fracciones, reconociendo las partes que se relacionan con el todo, lo que conlleva a hallar el común de las partes de la unidad, para luego realizar el proceso de suma de fracciones, despojándolas del carácter algorítmico sin sentido

    La imprenta y Kant: posibles relaciones a través de la Historia y la Filosofía

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    The present work tries to expose on a simple form two elements of philosophy and history. The goal is to present the influence of the printing appearance that means in the historic consolidation of the new way of understanding the reason and freedom inside a period which will conclude on the enlightenment view of mankind. For that, we will made an historic analysis about what circumstances changed and what chances were opened by printing. Later, we will check how the notion of kantian subject could be understood in relation to this analysis. Finally, we will present conclusions about the propose relationship between the two elements due to the study done of them.El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar la influencia que la aparición de la imprenta supuso en la consolidación histórica de una nueva forma de entender la razón y la libertad en un periodo que desembocará en la concepción ilustrada del hombre. Para ello, vamos a realizar un análisis histórico acerca de qué circunstancias cambiaron y qué posibilidades fueron abiertas con la aparición de la imprenta. Posteriormente, comprobaremos cómo la noción de sujeto kantiana puede ser contextualizada y comprendida en relación a dicho análisis. Finalmente formularemos conclusiones acerca de la relación propuesta entre los dos elementos de manera acorde a lo planteado en su estudio